Tales of Vesperia - Reference Guide - 360 UK - PS3 JP Fan EN Compare - PC JP EN

Story / Sidequests / Skits

Spotted - Mysterious Girl (1) - Knights Battle
Why don't we just go back?
I can't go back now!
This is for your own good, Miss, you know that.
As for the “incident”, we assume
full responsibility and will inform
the lieutenant ourselves.
How can you say that
when you haven't done
anything to help me?
Please, don't come any closer.
Now, now, why don't you put that down?
You'll only end up hurting yourself...
I know how to use a sword!
I'm afraid you leave us
no choice. I was hoping
it wouldn't come to this.
Hey! There she is! This way!
Please, you've got
to let me go!
I have to warn Flynn!
Did she say Flynn?
Flynn?! You came
to help me...?
W-who are you?
Identify yourself!
Spotted - Mysterious Girl (1) - Knights Battle