Tales of Vesperia - Reference Guide - 360 UK - PS3 JP Fan EN Compare - PC JP EN

Story / Sidequests / Skits

010 - 020 - 030
Oh my. You, a knight?
You must be pulling my leg.
You don't look like one at all!
You like playing dress up? You better
be careful! If you keep dressing like
a knight, a real one might arrest you!
Every knight I've met has
been a big headed idiot!
You're just way to cute
to be a real knight!
Teeheehee! ☆
Do the girls crawl all over
you at the capital when you
call yourself a knight?
Aw, but too bad!
This is Dahngrest.
No, uh...
You don't have to be so nervous.
If you're not sure of something, I'll
be sure to help you out personally.
I really can't believe
that someone like you
is here with Raven.
You're only having juice? You're
such a child! But that just makes
you all the more cute. ♥
Um, I...
Come on, relax. ♥
We'll have fun together
all night! ♪
010 - 020 - 030