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Story / Sidequests / Skits

Terrible Situation - The Don's Resolve - Bad Mood
Don Whitehorse
Hang in there, kid.
Yer a boss now, right?
But it's like there's nothing
I can do on my own...
Don Whitehorse
So then ask fer help.
That's what friends're for, right?
Don Whitehorse
Take good care of them,
and they'll be there
whenever ya need 'em.
I'm coming with you!
Like hell you are!
Well, old man, it's been fun.
Don Whitehorse
Raven, you better
nail Yeager for me.
Hah hah. That's a heavy load
for somebody like me.
Don Whitehorse
Yer the only one I can ask.
Don Whitehorse
Lil' miss, ya should go to the underground
through the warehouse in the town bar.
Don Whitehorse
There's a wall there with
Aifread's name on it.
Don Whitehorse
If yer Aifread's grandchild,
it might be a good idea ta see
a bit've Aifread's life and history.
We're so grateful for
everything your darling
grandson's done to us. Really.
Don Whitehorse
The boy has made a mess of things.
He may be my idiot grandson, but
he's also a full member of the Union.
Don Whitehorse
And it falls on any leader ta take
responsibility for the mistakes of
their people. So say the laws.
Don Whitehorse
Take me then. Let my head
atone for Belius.
Idiot. These guilds...
They're all filled with nutcases...
Don Whitehorse
So... Who's gonna be my second?
...It would be my honor.
Don Whitehorse
Guess yer stuck doin' a
job nobody much wants.
You too.
Don Whitehorse
Heh. No kidding.
Don Whitehorse
Yuri. I was lookin' forward to
watchin' ya go places. I'll make
sure to save you a spot in hell.
I don't think they'd
let me in to the hell
you're going to.
Don Whitehorse
Hah. I won't forget
that attitude, boy.
And I won't forget your
resolve, Don Whitehorse.
Don Whitehorse
Listen up! You all gotta stand on
yer own two feet from here on!
Don Whitehorse
There's a new age coming,
so get out there and
make it for yourselves!
Terrible Situation - The Don's Resolve - Bad Mood