Tales of Vesperia - Reference Guide - 360 UK - PS3 JP Fan EN Compare - PC JP EN

Man's Best Friend
Not just a dog, but a valuable companion on
a long journey. Don't mistake him for a monster!
1 Fame point

Sinful Sidekick
Taking the sins of your friends upon your
your back. I have you covered, buddy.
10 Fame points

Considerate Sidekick
Sometimes your sidekick may know you better
than you think! Trust his instincts.
10 Fame points

Great Boss
Able to drive out evil and have control of
the pet kingdom, you're a top dog!
100 Fame points

Tough Hound
You don’t back down easily in the face of
danger. Dogs don’t just wag their tails at anyone!
30 Fame points

Fated One
One who is fated to accompany his allies
on the battlefield. Ready for the next battle?
30 Fame points

Silver Fangs
Those fangs of steel are aimed at evil.
Don't underestimate the looks of these fangs.
100 Fame points

No one can resist the innocence of children...
Not even this tough pup!
30 Fame points

Ultimate Dog Warrior
Your strength is unwavering. You're secretly
happy about receiving this title!
30 Fame points

Dog Warrior
One who keeps a strong hold on his enemies
with his bite. Grr!
1 Fame point

Dog Knight
No one can compare to this dog. You're on
your way to becoming something great!
10 Fame points

Top Dog
Your skills are comparable to that of a top
swordsman. Not bad for a dog.
20 Fame points

Nirvana Dog
You've surpassed all humans and dogs.
You understand the human language, but choose not to speak it.
30 Fame points

Big Bad Bandit
Old habits are hard to quit! But never steal
from the poor! That's the Golden Rule!
150 Fame points

Fatal Dog
This powerful canine can take down his
enemies in a single strike. This is one tough dog!
150 Fame points