Tales of Vesperia - Reference Guide - 360 UK - PS3 JP Fan EN Compare - PC JP EN

Story / Sidequests / Skits

010 - 020 - 030
What's up?
Do you think you might
be able to show me
that item you have?
Ah, p'raps the
“Luxury Toys Series”
has caught yer eye?
Oh, so it's one of
those after all!
I'm so jealous!
What the heck's so great
about this toy...
They're pretty hard to
find these days, ya know.
It's quite a shame...
Oh, you didn't know? I heard that
you can get them from that capsule
machine right over there!
Really? Really?
It was just a rumor, mind you.
I tried my best, but I didn't
have a bit of luck!
I thought perhaps you'd
gotten the one you have
from that very machine.
Nope! It was a reward for work
that Brave Vesperia did!
Brave Vesperia? Is that
the name of a guild?
Well, we really dabble in
a little bit of everything.
A guild... Perhaps it wouldn't be too much
trouble for me to ask you for a favor, then.
No problem, no problem! Anyone who shares
the same interests as ol' Raven is someone
who's deservin' of a little assistance!
Do you think you could
get all eleven items in the
“Luxury Toys Series” for me?
But you can't buy those in stores,
can you? And we don't know if
they're even in that capsule machine.
Perhaps, but there may be people
out there who have them.
And I've heard more rumors that
there are capsule machines in other
parts of the world, as well.
I know about those. Ya gotta put
in Gald or some other stuff ta get
anything outta them, though.
Ah, so you know of more? Then please,
look for these toys for me! I'll make
it worth your while, of course.
And let me give you this,
as part of the reward.
I got that in a capsule, but it's not
really my style. Young lady, I think
it would be quite fetching on you.
Thank you very much! It looks like it
matches with these clothes very nicely.
Well, now that we've gotten a reward
for the job, I guess we've gotta do it!
We'll look for the toys for you.
Thank you so much!
010 - 020 - 030