Tales of Vesperia - Reference Guide - 360 UK - PS3 JP Fan EN Compare - PC JP EN

Story / Sidequests / Skits

010 - 010 - 020
Oh, hello. We've met before
somewhere, haven't we?
You helped us out
back in Capua Nor.
That was back when
you'd been captured
by Alexei.
...You can use healing artes?
Huh...? You can tell?
All healers have a characteristic mark
on their left thumb, from which their
artes are released when they're used.
There's a little dark spot...
You could tell from just this?
Doctors have to be observant. Plus, I'm
a practitioner of healing artes as well.
Grandma suddenly started
feeling ill...
It's too late, Doc! I'm not
long for this world...
Oh no...
This is serious...
Hold on. A healer can't let
herself get flustered when there
are sick people to help.
Ma'am, could you tell me what
sort of discomfort you're
having, and where it hurts?
My side hurts, like it's
being squeezed real tight...
And my fingers feel all stiff...
Hmmm... Well, let's
have a look...
I feel all better!
Thank you, Doctor!
Oh, you don't need to thank
me. This is my job.
You were using your healing artes precisely,
only on the parts of her body that needed it.
That takes some skill.
It can actually be harmful to focus one's
healing artes on healthy parts of the body.
If a healer works too hastily, she
can cause her patient undue stress,
and worsen their conditions.
A healer must always
be calm and focused.
I, I see...
Please excuse my ignorance.
No, not at all! You're still learning. The path to
becoming a healer is a tough one, to say the least.
Please, come and visit again.
There is much I'd like to teach you.
010 - 010 - 020