Tales of Vesperia - Reference Guide - 360 UK - PS3 JP Fan EN Compare - PC JP EN

Story / Sidequests / Skits

030 - 040 - 050
Welcome, great to see you.
This is the Poker table.
Well I'll be!
They've got
Poker, eh?
Raven, you know what this
“Poke-her” thing is?
Young'un, this is Poker.
It's a type of card game.
Correct. In Poker, players are dealt
from a deck of 54 cards, and compete
to get the highest hand.
It sounds hard...
Well, it might be difficult for
a little shrimp like you, but...
No, no, not at all! I think you'll
find it a nice, leisurely diversion.
Just ask at any time if there's
something you don't understand,
so you needn't worry!
So, we'll need
chips, right?
You'll need at least
one chip to play.
However, the more chips you bet,
the better your payout if you win!
What do you say?
Would you like to play?
Thank you very much!
Please come again.
030 - 040 - 050