Tales of Vesperia - Reference Guide - 360 UK - PS3 JP Fan EN Compare - PC JP EN

Story / Sidequests / Skits

080 - 090 - 100
Darn it. I'm in a real pickle now...
You got a look at them, though, didn't
you? The one that stole the boat...
Oh I saw 'im all right. He was carryin'
this big ol' black bag, and he was
dressed like a butler.
Well, why didn't you get another boat,
and take off after him, then?
Oh phooey, you're just hopeless...
Someone dressed like a butler...
Could it be Sebastian?
Looks like he got out onto the ocean.
Yeah, but where exactly? The ocean's a
pretty good hiding place. It's huge!
That's right. I wonder if we'll be able to find him.
We're always one step behind him...
Who knew lookin' for old Nobis' little
manual was gonna be this tough?
For real... If only he'd just
stay put for a while.
It might not get us anywhere, but we'd better set
sail and see if we can't find this boat he's taken.
Yes, I agree.
080 - 090 - 100